colleen bevis elementary school
Hillsborough County School district, tampa, florida
Developed as a new elementary school prototype in 1999 for the Hillsborough County School Board, this project has been successfully constructed three times. The project’s large scale, dictated by the 900 student program, was reduced by creating four independent buildings organized around a circular courtyard. The administration and media center building is located to the front of the campus and acts as a formal and identifiable entrance. It is flanked on either side by two classroom wings which house the school’s primary, secondary, special education and kindergarten programs. The classroom wings are a double-loaded corridor scheme with open ends to increase the natural light within the corridor. In addition, these two buildings are designed to meet the enhanced Hurricane Protection requirements, as the school will act as the community’s hurricane shelter. The single story multi-purpose building is located at the rear of the campus, and houses the school’s stage, music classroom, cafeteria and kitchen.